Monday, January 30, 2012

Do You Like Re-ment?

re-ment sailor bear I got in Hong Kong.
Do you know what Re-ment is? Re-ment is miniatures of all sorts of things, especially food. It is sort of like dollhouse miniatures and each is a certain theme. I got the bear from a set I got in Hong Kong a few years ago. I really like that the cute bear is a sailor.

Tea time!

I love these!
I use these for my Blythe dolls. The Re-ment is a pretty good size for Blythe! I really like the detail in the teeny tiny cookies and biscuits.

My Re-ment photo studio
Here are some of the ones I have from my photo shoot. I found the most in Chicago at the Japanese mall, and I also found some in Hong Kong and China. They had so much at the convenience stores where you could pick up a bottled drink, candy, and Re-ment! it was really neat, but the next time I visited there I did not see so much Re-ment at the corner stores.

This was in my set of Re-ment.
Sometimes they come with funny inserts. I am not sure what this one reads, but the illustration is really silly.

French set of re-ment.
This is my favorite set! This set is called Natalie's French Goods. I do not have the full set, but I have a few. This one really has the best items, and they are really cute and Blythe really likes them, too!

From my favorite collection.

Cheese, please.
Oh my gosh! Tiny cheese! Adorable with a capital A!

Sometimes my miniature animals like to have some sweets, too. My friend Jordan gave me these mini animals. They are really neat and he had them when he was small.

Bear burgers and fries.

Lemon is working at the café.

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