Last week was a doozy - Raoul and I both caught the same cold, only I still have mine. I managed to get some rest, drink lots of cough syrup, play with the pets, and go to a show. These are some pics from my weekend.
I got two pen pal letters in the same week, so that was awesome! I love getting mail and I love having pen pals.
Oreo and Jumbles are so close. They snuggle so close to each other all the time. SO close that their whiskers get in each other's eyes.
We got to see the Music Tapes under their custom made circus tent! It was so fun, but I had to eat cherry cough drops the entire time. The Music Tapes put on a fantastic performance! More pictures later...
I played with Nilla and she jumped into her box. She loves to roll in this box.
Here is the view of all my pets! Love them!
I also had time to work on my knitting - I guess the one good thing about having a cold all week is that I actually had time to make some knitting progress!
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