Do you wanna play 20 Questions? I got these questions from Meet Me at Mike's blog, and I read that one daily cos I love it so much! Here goes...
1. Sweet or Savoury? Sweet for sure. We always crave sweets at our house!
2. Dresses or Jeans? Dresses. I only have maybe two pairs of jeans that are worth wearing, otherwise it is dresses or skirts for me.
3. House or Apartment? House! Way better than apartment living for sure!
4. Shop Online or Offline? Both! I am good at both kinds of shopping! I like to see things in person, but there is so much more available online!
5. DVDs or Downloads? Uh, I will choose DVDs. This is more Raoul's department, and he goes for DVDs.
6. Cocktails or Juice? Juice. I love grapefruit juice.
7. Chocolate or Strawberry? Chocolate! Of course, though I like both!
8. Laptop or PC? Laptop! And make mine a Mac!
9. Magazines or Newspapers? Magazines! I can read a magazine I love from Cover to cover.
10. Facebook or Twitter? Both, but I try not to spend lots of time on either.
11. CDs or MP3s? Both - I like the best of both worlds. I love my iPod!
12. Kids or Pets? Pets! We love Nilla and Oreo!
13. Macaron or Cupcakes? Both! Like I said, I like sweets!
14. Walk or Run? Walk for sure. You can take it all in better.
15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Out - last night I ate a bagel in bed and got crumbs all over.
16. Market or Supermarket? Market! We love our local farmer's market and Locally Grown.
17. Sourdough or Grainy? Both. Kuliks love bread of all sorts!
18. Heels or Flats? Mostly low heels, maybe 2.5 inches is all I can handle.
19. Late nights or Not? Not so late for me. I used to do late nights, but now I need lots of sleep!
20. Coffee or Tea? Tea! I have Red Rose in my travel mug each morning to get me going. I love sugary tea!
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