I have loved the band First Aid Kit upon first listen. I am pretty sure I found them on iTunes with the "people who liked this, also bought this" thing, or else I read about them maybe from Twitter. Anyways, I am very glad I did because I really am in love with their music. My musical tastes run a little more on the "folk" side than Raoul's, but he also is a fan of First Aid Kit. I love music that has different stories within the album, and I also love their voices. Their new record is called "The Lion's Roar." On first listen, I do not love it as quickly as I loved the other album, but it is a grower, and it is totally growing on me at the moment. You can listen to a really good interview with the sisters of First Aid Kit right here from NPR. They are also featured in this month's issue of Nylon magazine, and they have on the most beautiful dresses with the most amazing patterns!
This is one of my favorite songs from their first album.
And one from the newest album, too.
And one more for good measure because this one is really good, too.